New and Improved Art Show

Ready, set, paint! CHS art teachers Claire Popovich and Carrie Hillis pose in front of the art department mural

Chelsea High School’s Art Show this spring will offer students and the community a chance to view a variety of student art, listen to talented musicians, and enjoy some snacks. In previous years, the art show has been at the WSEC, featuring art from the elementary, middle, and high schools. However, this year, Chelsea District Art Coordinator Claire Popovich and art teacher Carrie Hillis are taking the tradition and turning it into a massive celebration of the arts.

“This year we’re hoping to switch things up a little bit,” Popovich said. “In addition to having a smaller show across the street that just features some of our 2D works, we were approved to have our art show here at the high school in the auxiliary gym, just featuring high school students.” 

Conveniently located at Chelsea High School, the art show will be easily accessible to students and those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attend. 

“We know that a lot of students don’t have time in their schedules or just forget to go look at the art show,” Hillis said. “But if it’s in the school, we can make it more of a priority. We could have different classes sign up to check it out in the afternoon. It will get so much more visibility; all the students will be able to see what their fellow classmates are doing and maybe get more excited about taking art classes.” 

In addition to featuring work from CHS’s art students, several other classes will be showcased in the art show. 

“We are going to give space to Independence Hall because they do so many artworks as well,” Popovich said. “Also Mrs. Kurtz’s Project Geometry class will have space to put all the work that they’re doing in class. This way it’s more of a celebration of the high school arts.” 

Visual and musical arts will also be showcased in the art show to create a shared experience. 

“You can come listen to some music, eat some snacks, and go look at art,” Popovich said. “It will be a celebration of all the arts here at Chelsea; not exclusively the visual arts and not exclusively the musical arts.” 

The art show is scheduled for May 10 through the 13 and it will be open to the community Thursday evening, Friday evening, and all day Saturday. Several of CHS’s music groups will be performing during the opening reception. 

“It’s going to open Thursday, the night of a Chelsea Gold show,” Popovich said. “We’re hoping to get people who are at Chelsea Gold to come over to see the art afterwards. Friday night is going to be the art reception and we’re hoping that Jazz Band, Chelsea House Orchestra, and Wild Childz will perform. Saturday is when the music booster mattress sale is happening, so it will be open to the public all day.” 

By taking the annual art show to the next level, talented high school students will have the opportunity to show their work to their peers and the community. 

“We want the community to know that we have a thriving art department here and that you guys are producing wonderful work,” Hillis said. “So we want to show it off.”