Get to Know Your Nominees
The nominees for the first ever Chelsea Excellence Award were announced this past Monday afternoon. All of the nominees are exemplary students in our school and community, but not all of us may know them very well. In order to understand just how great our fellow students are, we asked them two questions: “What achievement are you most proud of?” and “What is something you’d like the students of CHS to know about you?” For those who didn’t respond, we’ll share their nomination comments. Here’s what they had to say:
Freshman Nominees:
Lily June: “Lily is kind, caring, and always willing to support her friends. She performs exceptionally well in class, and her good vibes are contagious. She is more than just a good student; she has a great heart. I’ve never met a person that didn’t love to spend some time or be lead by Lily.”
Evan Sing: “I’m proud of my 4th place finish at the state geography bee last year. I spent a ton of time studying for that [and] I’m always happy to help any of my classmates that are struggling on their work in class.”
Erin Dusenbury: “Erin is an all-around nice and well-rounded person. She is smart, kind, and brings positive energy everywhere she goes. She sets a good example, is a good friend, and shows her excellence through athletics, as well. She is constantly putting herself last and is willing to go the extra mile for her friends.”
Jessica Neff: “Jessica is smart and treats everyone around her with respect. She is a hardworking girl who loves to help people in so many ways. After swimming with Jessica for a few years, I learned that no one makes me feel more welcome or supported. She makes people feel like they belong, and she makes them more confident in themselves.”
Sophomore Nominees:
Rachel Bareis: “One accomplishment that I am especially proud of was volunteering for a week at Vacation Bible school at Saint Marie’s. I found it such a great accomplishment because I was able to influence and support over 11 kids everyday and just make their lives that much better for a week. One thing I would like the other students of Chelsea to know about me is that I accept and love every single one of you. Whether you are high up on the popularity list, or can barely find a friend in class, I will always be there for you. I just really want you all to know that you are special to me in every way, from your smiles and intelligence, to your beauty and amazing personality. I just want all you to know, that I think your absolutely AMAZING!”
Peggy Smith: “Peggy is always encouraging and supportive to others. She is heavily involved in all parts of student life at CHS, and she is an excellent role model. She is loyal, caring, and a true friend.”
Jordan Fansler: “Jordan is a hard worker and an excellent student. More importantly, Jordan is a good friend. He is one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, and he never has anything negative to say about anyone.”
Andrea Kowalski: “Andrea is kind, comforting, and welcoming. She goes far out of her way to make other people feel welcome and put a smile on their face. She excels at everything she does and always keeps a humble attitude.”
Junior Nominees:
Mallery Bee: “It’s definitely not an accomplishment that’s singular to me, but I’m so immensely proud to be on the Student Council that was responsible for making the changes to the Homecoming award. I think this is such an amazing change and one that is long overdue. It means a lot to be a part of this big step in equality and open-mindedness. I’d like the students of CHS to know that I care about all of them! I know it sounds cheesy but I really do think that everyone who goes to this school is so great and I hope they know that I’m excited to make CHS a better place for them. Also, I love puppies.”
Niko Fannin: “One accomplishment I’ve won is getting nominated for the Chelsea Excellence Award. One thing I’d like other students to know about me is that I am a Christian and am eager to help anyone with any questions, doubts, or obstacles in their path to accepting the truth.”
Will Scott: “One of my bigger accomplishments has been winning a freshman/sophomore race last year in Cross Country. It was my first and only individual XC win to date, and I trained hard to win it. One thing other students at Chelsea should know about me is my willingness to help others. I’m not particularly good at the social interaction bit, but I can do my best to point you in the right direction. Quite frequently, my job is ‘helping with homework.’”
Kyra Van Batavia: “One accomplishment I’ve made was this last summer while I was in Montana on a mission trip with my church. We had one morning where five of us were tasked with trimming this single mom’s bushes outside her house. She didn’t have time to, and her neighborhood kept telling her she needed to trim them because they were blocking the traffic’s ability to see. We had about an hour and a half to trim these bushes and these things were huge and thorny. Honestly I didn’t think we could finish even one. However, at the end of the hour and a half we had almost all of the bushes trimmed. I know, it seems small, but the whole experience felt huge and important. One thing I’d want other CHS students to know about me is that I’m a diehard country music fan. I just love all of it. When I first moved here it seemed like most people wouldn’t listen to country music but I think everyone should give the good new stuff a chance!”
Senior Nominees:
Madilynn O’Hara: “Something I’m proud of is my theatre guild. We’ve come so far as a group, from coming in 2nd at States in One Act my sophomore year, to putting on Peter and the Starcatcher in under four weeks, to handling a new director change so smoothly. We as a group have gone through so much together and have grown not only as actors, but as people, [and] that it makes me proud. Something I want the students of CHS to know about me is that I play the ukulele! I’m not very good, but I got a ukulele about two years ago and taught myself how to play through various YouTube videos. It’s a lot of fun!”
Remy Sturt: “Remy is kind, is very intelligent but not cocky, she is helpful to everyone around her, and she contributes to the school through student council, NHS, band and sports. She is kind to everyone and extremely funny. She makes me smile and laugh everyday. She works hard in school and has high expectations for herself. She is a great representation of what it means to be a Bulldog.”
Jacqueline Taylor: “Jacqueline is the ideal Chelsea student. She works hard and is kind to all. Her work on Student Council and the Why You Matter campaign has made CHS a much better place. Jacqueline not only has the right work ethic for the award, but has the right personality. She is nothing but positive and isn’t afraid to lend a helping hand when someone is in need. She truly cares about the school and every one of us, and isn’t afraid to show it.”
Briana Hay: “Briana is not only smart, but she is also very active in our community and school. She is so sweet and shows her excellence through academics and sports. Her positivity and energy are easily noticed, and she makes every day at school a better one.”

Laura is a senior at Chelsea High, and this is her first year on the Bleu Print Staff. She loves to write, read, and play the piano, a hobby she’s kept...