This season will start with the beginning of a new team with new faces that haven’t been seen before on the field. The pre-season work allows for the freshmen and starting players to ease into the team and for the older and younger classmen to bond and connect. “I’d say it’s like a little bit of both on offense and defense. Obviously, again, we have our older guys and stuff like that. And like, we’re going to have more experience middies as we get later into the season. So we’re going to have older people starting, but the young guys are going to be there to help.” Williams said.
Spring season sports are getting ready to kick off, we are seeing our athletes hard at work with their pre-season training. Just like many sports, lacrosse is starting its pre-season training. We are expecting an ecstatic season from our lacrosse players. As we near the season’s kick-off, let’s see how the players feel going into the season.
“We had our first practice on Monday, January 13th, and we got a lot of new young guys this year, and I have taken the role of being a captain this year, so it’s kind of my job to get everybody together,” senior Brennan Williams said, “I’d say, I’m definitely ready for the season and there’s a lot of good young talent from some kids that really have good stick skills. It’s exciting”
Pre-season training isn’t always everyone’s favorite thing, but it allows for the team to grow and bond together. The training is important for the team to get back into the swing of things and allows the team to all see each other’s faces and work on the basics that might not have been done in many months.
“A lot of people haven’t played since last season, so just getting the basics down again,” Williams said.