Chelsea Softball does something out of the ordinary during pre-season that most other schools don’t do: take a trip south and train during spring break. This trip makes the program stand out from other schools.
“We go to Pensacola, Florida, and we do a spaghetti dinner and silent auction each year to help fundraise for the trip, which usually makes 15-20 thousand dollars each year,” junior Kaydee Absher said.
The softball team requires the girls to only pay $500 for the entire trip and expenses. They stay in a large home big enough for every girl to have bed space in Pensacola Beach, Florida. Both varsity and junior varsity athletes attend this trip.
“It’s a lot of fun and bonding to get close with all the girls. The environment is also very positive, and it’s really great getting to know everyone,” Absher said.
There are activities lined up every day for the girls after they get back from their 4-hour practices, and get ready for the rest of the day. These activities are centered around team bonding and having a good time.
“We get some free time and go to the beach, sometimes walk to our favorite acai bowl place, go shopping, see your family and friends, and then just hang out around the house and spend time together,” Absher said.
The girls have lots of time to do as they please and spend time together. They have free will to go where they want as long as they sign out and are with a buddy.
“It gives us a head start on how each other plays and knowing each other and having that comradery, and also gives us that advantage of playing outside before other schools,” senior Avery Lay said.
The trip overall has a positive impact on the team and is looked forward to every year by the players. It is a highly spoken-about aspect of the program itself.