Americans are always voicing their opinions politically and how important citizens’ rights are, yet book banning is a constant violation of our First Amendment right, freedom of speech, often called viewpoint discrimination. Book banning should be stopped as it is a form of censorship and a direct infringement of our rights.
According to the American Library Association book banning often occurs because it contains graphic violence, expresses disrespect for parents and family, is sexually explicit, exalts evil, lacks literary merit, is unsuitable for a specific age group, includes offensive language, etc. If a ban occurs there is removal of those materials, attempts to remove material from curriculum, library, schools, etc. overall restricting access.
However, many books banned do not violate these reasons and often have important themes or ideas young people should learn about. One of the most banned books ever is 1984 by George Orwell. This book being banned is extremely ironic considering the contents and ideas presented by this book. It’s a dystopian novel and cautionary tale that warns against the dangers of authoritarianism and totalitarianism. This book was challenged in 1981 by Jackson County Florida however it’s banned in multiple states now. Interestingly enough this book was banned by the USSR for being “Anti-communist” but was banned in the USA for being “Pro- communist,” along with its challenging political and social themes. So where does this book belong? The library for people to decide and consider for themselves
In 1989 The Lorax was banned in California schools. This children’s book was thought to negatively portray logging and environmental destruction. The government believed it would turn children against the forestry industry, and be “Anti-logging.” Considering the state of the world, climate change is very real and the destruction humans have done to Earth is extremely real as well. Showing that banning books is being used to ignore real-world issues.
In 2006 Charlotte’s web was banned in the US after parents on religious grounds didn’t like the idea of the talking animals. They believed it was inappropriate for children to read about animals talking, believing only humans should be able to speak. The reason for this banning is so minuscule and almost laughable. However, it appears that the government doesn’t even need a reason to ban books. Pinkalicious was banned. A book about a girl who eats too many pink cupcakes despite her parent’s warnings, causing her to turn pink from head to toe. This book had no reason to be banned and even the author has not been given a reason why it was banned.
These have been only some of the book bannings, however, this is only the start of viewpoint discrimination. What happens when other forms of media are challenged more than they already are? Even if some books aren’t banned everywhere, it’s a problem enough that they are banned in the first place, especially considering the hypocritical and ironic reasons why. Citizens and schools need to fight against the bans and prioritize awareness of these problems.