I get dressed into a brown top and jeans, I look in the mirror and realize I look like a ghost, dark bold colors are not for me. Finding what color suits you best can really make your natural beauty shine. Seasonal color analysis can help individuals discover their most flattering colors by dividing the colors into seasons. Color analysis deserves to be more widely recognized. It’s crucial that color analysis become a go-to tool for personal styling.
What colors are best for you? Find out what colors of clothing suit your natural features best! To start the process of a color analysis identify your or the other person’s skin tone and undertone. To get the best results make sure to do this process in natural lighting. Now take some time to look at your skin undertones, cool (pink or blueish ), warm (yellow, peach, or golden), and lastly, if you have a neutral undertone (both warm and cool undertones). Take time to do this, when trying to find my undertone it took me a solid 5 minutes.
The next step for a color analysis is to look at your veins, preferably on your wrist. Blue veins mean cool undertones, green veins suggest warm undertones, and both suggest neutral undertones. Once you determine your skin tone and undertone you can figure out what seasons and colors suit your natural beauty best. With you doing this color analysis it can be a game changer for your looks and make your undertones enhance your natural color palette.
The final step is to figure out your colors! Now that you know your undertones and skin color, think about your hair and eye color. The first season is spring, this season is if you have warm undertones. Hair colors are light blond, light brown, or strawberry blonde. Last but not least for spring is eye color, if you have light blue, light green, or hazel eyes spring is for you. So what colors could you be you might ask. Well, spring colors are warm colors like coral, peach, light green, and turquoise.
The next season is summer, summer has cool undertones. Hair colors are ash blonde, light brown, or soft shades of brunette. Eye colors are cool blue, grey, or soft green. If all of these apply to you then you are summer and your colors are soft, pastel, lavender, rose pink, mint green, and powder blue.
The third season is fall, the best of all! Fall has warm undertones. Hair colors of rich, dark shades like chestnut, auburn, or deep brown. Eye colors are hazel, green, or warm brown. Now if you fall under the category of fall your colors are burnt orange, mustard yellow, olive green, and rich brown.
It’s okay if none of those fit you because we still have winter. Winter has cool undertones. Hair colors of dark brown, black, or platinum blonde. Eye colors of dark brown, cool blue, or icy green. The colors for winter are bold, like black, white, navy, and emerald. Since you have figured out your personal color try to mix more of it into your wardrobe if it isn’t already. Finding your colors can truly elevate your confidence. Wearing colors that compliment your skin tone can make you feel more vibrant, radiant, and put together.
More people should embrace color analysis to elevate their style. People should do a color analysis at a young age to figure out their personal colors to add more to their closets. By doing this everyone will overall look better.