Taking Action on Feminine Hygiene
For menstruating people throughout Chelsea High School, getting access to hygiene products when on their period can be a monthly struggle. Whether “that time of the month” comes out of the blue, or they just don’t have a tampon or pad on hand, what happens when you’re stuck in a situation where you don’t have anything to help?
In the girl’s bathrooms at CHS, there are tampon and pad dispensers that take twenty-five cents to use. The average person walking through the halls most likely does not carry around change with the idea that it might come in handy. Sophomore Hannah Schwarz has noticed this issue and taken the initiative to fix it.
“I want it to be possible for people to be able to get free pads and tampons with ease at school,” Schwarz said.
In the event that someone might have a quarter on hand when going to use the tampon and pad dispensers, they are rarely ever stocked. There have been plenty of situations where menstruating people have gone to get a pad or tampon and have come out empty-handed.
“I saw a sign in the bathroom that said pads and tampons were available on the other side of the school building in the health office,” Schwarz said. “Why should I have to go to the other side of the school to get something that I need right that moment?”
Even after the sign was put into the bathroom, it was only seen in that one bathroom and disappeared from sight after a week.
When students are forced to go to the office or their lockers as a last resort for a pad or tampon, they are now going to be late for their next class. Students will then have to talk to their teacher and explain exactly why they were late and potentially get a tardy for something they have no control over.
“I’ve talked to Dr. Angel to make sure he was aware of this issue and he said he’ll talk to the School Board about it,” Schwarz said. “Even he didn’t know why the machines are never stocked because there’s a closet full of tampons and pads sitting in the health office.”
With the topic being brought before the School Board, Schwarz and other students who have also noticed this issue hope to see a change made sooner rather than later.
“People need to talk about this issue to bring awareness to it,” Schwarz said. “Talking to teachers or administration could help to make sure it’s not like this for future students.”

Annaliese is a Senior at CHS and this is her first year writing for the Bleu Print. Outside of writing, she enjoys napping with her dog, reading romance...