Senior Commits to U of M as a Two-Sport Athlete

Credit: @joe_T4lorr on Instagram.

Senior Joe Taylor has committed to go to the University of Michigan to play baseball and football next year. Taylor is one of the top athletes in the area for both sports and has also been recognized for his academic achievements.

“I chose the University of Michigan because of their success in both academics and athletics,” Joe Taylor said.

Joe will use his experiences as a multi-sport athlete in high school to help him with his college experience. He knows firsthand the difficulties that trying to find the balance between the two can bring.

“I will balance being a two sport athlete with my academics,” Taylor said “I will make sure I get the help I need academically and have an organized routine everyday.”

His dedication to improving himself and achieving both athletic and academic success comes from both internal and external sources.

“Something that inspires me to get better everyday are my accomplishments over the doubt from the people around me,” Taylor said.

While he doesn’t have a specific major in mind, Taylor’s long-term plans focus on helping not only himself, but others as well. He wants to impact other people’s lives like those around him have in his life.

“The biggest lesson I’ve learned at Chelsea High School and everyday and to not take anything for granted, time flies by,” Taylor said. “I want people to remember that as much as it might not seem like I am a regular high school kid, I am just like everyone else.”