Winter Carnival 2021 Info

This photo was taken pre-COVID-19.

Despite changes and restrictions, Student Council is working to make Winter Carnival this year the best experience it can be with exciting and safe events planned to help the school to unite.

Theme: One Chelsea

With the separation of the school between all virtual and different hybrid groups, it may seem that the students are in their own bubbles. However, with this year’s Winter Carnival theme One Chelsea, Student Council hopes to unite the school.

“Since March of 2020, we have been disconnected as a school and a student body because of the pandemic,” Student Body President Peggy Smith (‘21) said. “Our theme of One Chelsea represents the idea that even though we aren’t all at the school together, we are getting through these times as one.

Spirit Week

Though spirit week in the fall may have been rough with the entire school virtual, with the return to hybrid, the hope is that participation and excitement in the school will increase for the Winter Carnival Spirit Week.

Monday will kick off the week with the classic pajama day. Though such attire may be the norm for virtual students, in-person students can enjoy the few extra minutes of sleep they get if they participate.

On Tuesday, students can search through their wardrobe for their craziest socks, because it’s Crazy Sock day.

To support the theme of One Chelsea on Wednesday, it’s Blue and Gold day, so students can raise the spirit in the school and show their Bulldog Pride.

Rounding out the week on Thursday is Favorite Sports Team Day where students can show support for their favorite teams, regardless of whether they’re playing or not. 

Bulldog Block Games

Another way Student Council hopes to unite the school is by hosting games during Bulldog Block that will include virtual students and in-person students. A different game will be played each day of the week, and the winners will earn points for their grades. 

Monday will start by testing students’ thinking abilities with a game of Scattergories.

On Tuesday there will be a race for the right answer in Kahoot.

Finally, Wednesday will build on the theme of One Chelsea by having students escape a breakout room (virtual escape room) following the theme. 

While students are not required to join in the games on Monday and Tuesday if they’re virtual, they provide a great opportunity to try to score some class points and boost the school spirit. 

Even though this year’s Winter Carnival may be lacking some of the usual events and excitement, its purpose still remains the same—to build school spirit and to unite the school.

“It’s really important to provide opportunities where we can for students and staff to come together so that we show we are unified as a community even in difficult times,” Student Council Advisor Adam Schilt said. “I think it’s really important that we can give our school a chance to make Winter Carnival as normal as possible under the circumstances.”