Student Council Elections for Executives and Class Representatives Now Open
Student council executive elections for the 2020-2021 school year are now up on the class extras tab of PowerSchool Learning. Voting for council president, vice president, treasurer, and the class president can be accessed until Friday, May eighth. Statements from the candidates can be found in a document attached to the ballot.
Those wishing to run for class representative may turn in an application by Friday, May 15 at 3 pm. The requirements to run are a 3.0 GPA or higher and no high school suspensions on record. If you are interested in running, check out all the info on Haiku and email a one-page flier that includes “the position you are running for and why people should give you their vote” to Mr. Schilt and Mrs. Helberg. Elections for class representatives will take place May 18-22 on the class pages of Haiku, the same place as the executive elections. Contact Mr. Schilt or Mrs. Helberg via school email if you have any questions.

Natalie Davies is a senior at Chelsea High School. This is her third year with the Bleu Print. Outside of writing and editing, she enjoys running, reading,...