Bulldog of the Week: Jacob Nelson
Jacob Nelson (‘23), a student in Independence Hall, is described by his teachers as the perfect person to ask about sports, very helpful, and having a great memory.
“[Jacob has] a great sense of humor and is really good at connecting with friends and staff here at the high school,” Ms. Katy Fillion said when asked to describe Nelson. “Despite his challenges, he really puts a lot of effort into all of his sports and really knowledgeable about sports teams!”
Nelson is said to be able to remember everything, so if you do something silly, in ten years he will remind you what you did!
“Independence Hall is a classroom for students who have a range of disabilities and might need help with different things either help in their classes,” Ms. Fillion explained.
Independence Hall also does a lot of vocal skill trainings, trying to help students get ready to work when they are an adult. Every Thursday the class is out in the community at job sites practicing what it’s like to be an employee and learning real life, hands on skills.
“My hobby is refereeing football and basketball games,” Nelson said, smiling.
He also enjoys reading books but mostly reffing and watching football, basketball, and hockey games.
“The thing I like about the independence hall is that it’s relaxing,” Nelson said.
Nelson expressed that he doesn’t like staying after school for Independence Hall but during the day his favorite class is choir and his favorite teacher is Mr. Steve Hinz.
“Jacob is so interested in music and has been ever since I knew him as a young guy and he loves working in the choir room,” Mr. Hinz said.
Mr. Hinz has a picture of young Jacob in his classroom conducting music. Nelson’s friend Kalya Confield (‘20) describes Jacob as funny, helpful and friendly. The two love playing basketball together. His other friend, Bret Mendoza (‘23), said they have been friends since they were in elementary school.
“Jacob is a brave and very capable young man,” Mr. Galvin said. “He has a competitive spirit, an outgoing personality, and a friendly demeanor, he is also good with numbers, so if you missed the score of the team sport, just ask Jacob!”

Abitha is an exchange student from India and a senior. She really loves to make friends. You can always see a smile on her face and she needs everyone...