Student Council Special Election
Three seniors are running for the student representative position in a Student Council special election. As a class representative, the selected candidate will be responsible for coordinating student events and acting on behalf of their class student body. The candidates are seniors Madison Brodeur, Myranda Montoye, and Sydney St. Amour. Students are encouraged to select a candidate based character and assumed representative integrity.
Madison Brodeur
“I believe that I am a strong and confident member of Chelsea High School that does her best to stay connected to her class. I work hard to stay involved as a leader in many different clubs, like Diversity Club and WhyYouMatter, because spreading happiness and positivity daily is a big part of my life. I hope to be a positive role model in Student Council and continue to represent my class!”
Myranda Montoye
“My hope is that, as a member of Student Council, I will be able to make a significant impact on my school during my last year. I plan to contribute by using my passion and work ethic to get things done. In addition to the responsibility of planning school dances and Mini-VictorThon, I would love to work on creating a new judiciary branch of student council in order to create more opportunities for students to get involved and make sure there are checks on Council’s power.”
Sydney St. Amour
“I would be a great asset as your student council rep as I would try and make the school environment as healthy as possible including working with the WhyYouMatter campaign to discuss topics regarding mental health. I will also listen to your demands and try as hard as possible to get your ideas instated here at Chelsea High.”
Voting is now open on haiku, and the winning candidate will be announced via the school’s PA system and the Student Council’s Twitter and Instagram pages by the end of the day on Friday.

Ben Zivsak is also known as the “Cool Editor,” but not as cool as Matty of course. He has been with the paper since sophomore year and enjoys nature,...