Homecoming Info 2019
Spirit Week
The annual homecoming spirit week is here once more, but with some slight changes.
The days this year are Jersey Day, Tie Dye Day, Frat/Greek Day, Vine/TikTok Day, and Blue & Gold Day.
The traditional PJ Day and Class Theme Day have been thrown out in exchange for Greek/Frat Day and TikTok/Vine Day.
“PJ Day is not how it was supposed to be with people showing up in sweatpants and t-shirts,” Junior Vice President, Sierra Martinez-Kratz (‘21), said. “It was boring and had low-energy. Meme Day got voted down last year, but was allowed this year in the form of TikTok/Vine Day.”
TikTok Day is the one replacing PJ Day because the Student Council thinks it’s a big attention grabber. Greek/Frat Day is replacing Theme Day because the overall theme this year is “My Big, Fat, Greek Homecoming.”
“It would’ve been difficult to have each student dress up as their hallway theme,” said Martinez-Kratz.
The hallway themes are different Greek gods for each grade. Freshmen are Zeus, Sophomores are Aphrodite, Juniors are Hades, and Seniors are Poseidon. Apparently, we had a spirit week quite similar to this theme except there was a slight mishap.
“There were some dress code issues for the togas and the administration just wanted to avoid any potential problems this time around, so togas will not be an option this year,” Council Advisor Adam Schilt said.
Despite these minor changes, homecoming should still shape up to be a blast for the whole schools to indulge in. Hailey Neal (‘20) says that she’s most excited to kick off spirit week with Jersey Day.
CHS Throws First-Ever Homecoming Tailgate Party
Student Council members Lily Maynard (‘20) and Kyra Van Batavia (‘20) have brought the idea of the very first homecoming tailgate party alive.
The tailgate party was first thought of during a summer retreat. “Kyra and I thought of the idea but didn’t exactly put too much into it, we thought it was cool. But then we talked to Kapolka, got approval and figured out the logistics of it from there,” Maynard said.
The tailgate party is going to be a community party at the Chelsea football field after the parade, it’ll be left of the ticket booth, free to everyone, plus you’ll get early seating by going.
Along with the approval, Maynard and Batavia received a fifty dollar donation in hot dog buns from Polly’s Country Market and a one hundred dollar donation of hot dogs from North Jerky and Foods.