Signed: Jack Roberts


Team Player. Looking to score, Jack Roberts (‘23) gets ready to pass the puck to his teammate against Pioneer.

Hockey has always been an important part of senior Jack Roberts’ life, and this season is no different. 

“We’ve had a great start to the season,” Roberts said. “There’s been a few ups and downs but it’s all good.”

Roberts feels as though the team is doing well despite their challenges. Putting in the work, the team and Roberts have deserved their success this season.

“My favorite moment from the season so far is beating Lumen 7-4,” Roberts said. “I played well with a goal and an assist. We’re rivals, so it was a good boost after coming off two losses. It really got the team going again.”

Looking back, Roberts considers his favorite moment the game that got the team back into the action after difficult losses. Moving forward, Roberts wants to use this encouragement to help the team get as far as possible and become a player that motivates and encourages his team. 

“We would like to make a state title run, but it’ll be tough,” Roberts said. “There’s a lot of good D3 teams this year, so we will have to play our best to have a chance.”

As Roberts looks to the future, his hopes are high for him and his team. However, he knows the team will have to practice hard to be able to compete at the state level. Knowing his competition, Roberts knows he can’t take this challenge lightly and is continuing to work hard to reach this goal. 

While Roberts is still focused on his current season, he already has plans for after high school. Roberts is ready for whatever lies ahead and is ready to put in the work and efforts necessary to pursue his career and as he continues to play, his future goal is to reach the highest level possible and play in the NHL.

“I’m signed to a juniors team called the Bismarck Bobcats,” Roberts said. “I want to play hockey for as long as I can [and] at a higher level.”