Modern Warfare II: Back to the Golden Age of Gaming


With the release of Modern Warfare II last week, there have been a lot of questions regarding how this game will perform compared to the previous few entries into the series. One question many dedicated fans of the franchise have is whether or not this edition of the game will be as bland as the past few.

When people hear Modern Warfare II, chances are they will think of the classic 2009 game that millions of players grew up with. Although the graphics might have been a bit lacking, well-known heroes such as Captian Soap Mactavish, Captian Price, and the iconic Simon “Ghost” Riley brought the game some life. 

However, in this new release, new iterations of characters such as Gaz, who transformed from just another S.A.S. member to a police officer who was faced with General Barkovs terrorist attacks and in turn was adopted by Task Force 141. 

The changes brought to these certain characters add a human element to the series. One big moment that captures this is when Gaz finds a civilian with a bomb vest and tries to save him. However, the character Captian Price knows it is far too late to save the civilian and pulls Gaz away, tossing the man over the railing near moments before the bomb was rigged to blow.

Gaz, having no experience of this sort, is furious at the loss of a man’s life. Price clarifies that saving the man would put more lives at risk. This emotionally takes a toll on Gaz because he doesn’t understand he can’t save everyone which helps the game take on some new emotion that most C.O.D. games lack. 

Another new aspect of the game is the new weapons a new gunsmith system to replace the one that had been in place for almost three years. 

This game’s beta and the overall reactions from the gaming community have been quite positive, so hopes are high that this new version of the game will be a hit.