Staycation 101: What To Do if You’re Home for Break


We aren’t all blessed with expensive plane tickets and a place to crash in sunny beach land, so here’s a game plan for all of you that have to chill at home this spring break.

  1. Stash enough snacks to last a lifetime and camp out near the TV for a movie binge (Blade Runner 2049 is 10/10).
  2. Learn how to cook/bake something really delicious and give those Iron Chefs a run for their money.
  3. Get a group of your fellow stranded friends and explore the most indie places possible in downtown Ann Arbor (extra points if you haggle with a hipster).
  4. Pick up on something you’ve always wanted to finish, but never have, like a solution to world peace, a novel, guitar lessons, etc.
  5. Relax. Make a DIY spa day plan for yourself and feel what it’s like to be a trophy wife or husband. Go all out and swing by Lush.
  6. Play endless video games until your brain physically leaks out of your ears, because no one can tell you otherwise.
  7. Get creative. Paint, draw, film, mold, you name it. Make something–using your hands and imagination will spur great activity.
  8. Create your own fun!

No matter what, make sure to have a fun and safe spring break.